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An official invite, to the "unofficial" first Styled with Strength brunch!

Throughout the journey to the origination of Styled with Strength, God has consistently aligned the right people, with the right hearts, at precisely the moment they were needed. Often, whether I was happy about it or not. 

In the Spring of 2023, my heart was heavy and it truly felt like the world's weight was on my shoulders. How could I walk away from a role I had just started, leaving all sense of stability and trust that it would all work out in the end? I had just made a major life change last spring, choosing to move away from the corporate leadership world and chose to serve others, couldn’t that be enough of obedience to call it good on this whole purpose thing? 

As I’ve shared before, God continued to show me signs that women and families in our community were hurting, that there was an unseen element of domestic violence taking place, with each day the connection or signs getting more outright and upfront, I shared the feelings as if God was saying: “How much more do I have to lay at your feet for you to realize that it's yours to pick up?"

Fast forward to a Saturday morning, with an anything but quiet house as a then 2-year-old Dawson woke up and had decided he was a bull-rider that day. He needed the bull rider guys on the TV- pronto! With the help of the old search machine, I thankfully found free replays of the PBR championships.

Dawson was all-in, cowboy hat, boots, belt buckle, rodeo vest, and of course… his PJ’s still. We would discuss how he was the greatest bull rider in the world, we would review how the riders nodded their heads to open up the chute door, it was his everything. I kept going throughout the morning, slamming diet coke and attempting to clean up the mess behind my dear bull-rider while keeping him filled with countless snacks. I was checking my email at the kitchen table when I overheard a woman’s voice, with a story that sounded anything but bull-riding. 

Below watch the video with Carrie and Daylon's story that came on that morning:

Really, Lord? Does the rodeo have to have domestic violence being thrown at me too now? Before 10 am? Carrie and Daylon were speaking through their story with authenticity, and bravery and somehow found all the right words to share how something so horrible, has led to God using them and building them for so much good. In the year 2004, Carrie’s Ex-Husband (and father to her 2 sons, Daylon(4) and Colton(3)) walked into her office building during the workday and fired shots, hitting Carrie in the face. Her ex-husband then proceeded to throw down the gun and walk out, the day before her final hearing for custody of the boys and a permanent restraining order (there was an emergency order already in place.) 

Today, there are 33 pieces of the bullets that remain with Carrie, unable to be removed. Carrie went back to school and obtained her RN degree all while raising 2 boys who would go on to become professional bull riders. So many elements of Carrie’s story resonated with me and the overall vision for what I hoped Styled with Strength would become. 

Carrie continually had a firm foundation in her relationship with Jesus and always acknowledged that her family and those who surrounded her helped stand in the gap to truly heal from that experience. Carrie went on to re-marry and has a strong & healthy relationship, she achieved her RN degree and has a career that makes a daily impact in the lives of others. Most of all, Carrie knew the importance of raising strong, kind, and most of all safe boys. 

So with a brave Instagram message to Carrie (hello, so out of my bubble!) and a few phone conversations later, I am SO excited to announce that Carrie Swearingen will be joining the Styled with Strength Community on Sunday, October 6th as the keynote speaker for our very first Sunrise with Strength Brunch. 

A quick note from Carrie:

I am Carrie Swearingen, I am a Mom, a Wife and an RN but most importantly, I  am a Daughter of a Powerful and Precious Savior!  I want my life to give Him the glory every time I am have the opportunity!  My story is that I am not a victim after having been shot in the head twice, but I am a Liver because I can now live as God has created me to!  Have you ever asked God what He wants you to do? How about we encourage each other and find that Strength with Some Style!

I hope that you will consider joining me for brunch that Sunday, where we will share the impact this little world of ours has made in the first year, and transparently, the very long road ahead we have to go. Grab your girlfriends, support the foundation through your ticket purchase, and meet Carrie, who’s story of bravery aligns so closely with so many Styled with Strength Mamas who will also be in your midst. 

Thank you for being on this wild ride with me, I can’t wait to share where we are heading next!

Purchase your tickets to support the Mission of Styled with Strength below:


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